Beyond the Buzz — Addressing Mental Health in Project Planning for Sustainable Productivity
As organizations strive to increase their productivity, it’s worth questioning why employees often work beyond the standard 8–9 hours despite having access to top-notch project planning and work allocation resources.
It’s crucial to prioritize employee well-being and create a sustainable work environment that doesn’t overwork or undervalue them. Is it time to re-evaluate the traditional work model and embrace hybrid models, flexible working hours, and work-life balance in a practical manner? Managers must explore ways to achieve optimal productivity while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Many people I meet are struggling to complete their work, citing feeling overwhelmed and constantly swamped with tasks. It seems like this is a common issue across the industry and job positions.
It appears that there is no longer any downtime in the current work environment. The team is constantly working on new releases, with little to no opportunity to recuperate. Despite the increasing awareness of mental health issues, it begs the question — why are these problems not being addressed at the planning level? It’s crucial to examine how project planning and management can incorporate strategies to support employee well-being and prevent burnout.
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